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Mantra & The Yoga of Sound for Teachers and Seekers
Introduction to Mantra & the Yoga of Sound
Warm welcome from your guide Mary Bue (28:04)
Mantra Training + Nada Yoga Introduction (6:24)
Cultural Sensitivity
Panca Maya Kosha Model and Mantra
Basic Music Theory (29:26)
Muladhara - Root Chakra: The Foundation of Sound & Mantra
Learning Mantra alongside the structure of the Chakras + Muladhara practice
A Tiny History of Mantra
Physics of Sound & Being "In Tune"
OM and the Four Stages of Sound (5:10)
Sound Meditation Experience - The Journey Part 1
Śānti Pataḥ – Opening Invocation
Svadhistana - Sacral Chakra: Creativity & Energy
Svadhistana bija mantra meditation & chant
Sanskrit 101 - Language of the Goddess (35:12)
Mantras to honor & invoke the sacred energy of Deities
Morning Sample Practice: Asana, Japa Mantra, Forgiveness Meditation (8:06)
Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra - Purifying the Vessel + Preparing the Temple
Manipura Bija meditation and chant
Purifying the Vessel: Preparing our Vessel for sound - morning practice (22:06)
Gayatri Mantra (24:39)
Asatoma Vedic Mantra
Hamsa "I am" Practice with pranayama & Ganesha bija (75:44)
Anahata - Heart Chakra Level - Bhakti Yoga - The Path of the Heart
Anahata Chakra Bija mantra meditation practice
Mantra & Meditation - Intro to Bhakti, Sahana Santi Mantra & A little harmonium fixing (21:58)
Brief history of Bhakti Yoga
Heart Meditation & musings on Spanda + Shakti
Common Kirtan chants (45:01)
Vissudha - Throat Chakra: Deep Knowing of Sacred Syllables
Vissudha Bija Mantra & meditation
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (14:05)
How to teach mantra with your true voice (11:19)
Ajna - Third Eye // Ajna Chakra - Deep Intuitive Wisdom
Ajna Chakra Bija mantra & meditation
The Deep Wisdom of the Vedas - tip of the iceberg musings
Mantra for the Full Moon & the healing herbs that grow beneath it ... osadhayah
Short list of resources for understanding benefits of music & sound on the brain
Awakened mantras: Initiation vs. self-awakening
Sahasrara - Crown Chakra - Sahasrara - Liberation + Undending Bliss
Sahasrara Chakra intro & Meditation Practice
Tuning our instrument to our Higher Selves and the Divine: Bhuta Shuddhi Meditation (live recorded practice will be added to this segment) (59:01)
A peace mantra for all beings and the world - Lokaksema (9:32)
Nirvana Shatakam - Two Versions (7:38)
Beautiful books + resources to support your learning
Bonus Chakra Practice, Sound Healing, and Interview with intuitive Jana Dancyncloud
A little heartfelt thank you! (2:20)
Purifying the Vessel: Preparing our Vessel for sound - morning practice
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